Online Trademark Renewal
What is Trademark Renewal
A Trademark is a unique illustrative identity of a firm and with the passage of time as a brand gains popularity, the trademark or logo becomes an essential part of the brand’s identity. A Trademark is legitimate for a period of ten years and an organization is obliged to apply for its renewal to safeguard its ownership. The statutory administration sends a legal notice at the registered address of the firm six months prior to the termination of the trademark ownership notifying the date of renewal. If a firm or an individual fails to renew the validity of a Trademark on completion of ten years, the authority provides a second chance where an applicant can restore the Trademark within 12 months of time period along with a specified penalty. Even then if the Trademark is not renewed, the authority publishes the information in the Trademark Journal notifying the termination of ownership of the Trademark.
Skilled Agents at Adhoc Legal can help you by-
- Gathering and organizing the requisite documentation
- Fill up the essential forms and register a petition for renewal
- Keep you updated about renewal application status
Contact Us For More Information
Documentation Chart
Authorization letter/Power of Attorney
Application Number
Adhaar ID
Online Trademark Renewal
Offer Price Just 2000/-
For More Details See Below
Government fee will be charged as applicable
- Preparing Renewal application
- Filing Renewal Application.
- Updation of Renewal with Trademark Office.
Trademark Filing:
- Renewal on time: 9000/-
- Renewal within 6 months delay: 13,500/-
- Renewal within 7 to 12 months delay: 18,000/-
Package Description:
Renewal on time
Processing fee: 2000 + Govt fee: 9000 + GST: 360 = 11,360/-
Package Description:
Renewal within 6 Months Delay
Processing fee: 2000 + Govt fee: 13500 + GST: 360 = 15,860/-
Package Description:
Renewal within 7 to 12 Months Delay
Processing fee: 2000 + Govt fee: 18000 + GST: 360 = 20,360/-
Comprehend your case requirements
To initiate the renewal process, efficient team at Adhoc Legal will connect with you as per your convenience to accumulate requisite information and documents. After conducting meticulous research and comprehending your industry requirements, we will move forward and apply for Trademark Renewal.
Fill up Requisite forms
For renewal purposes form TMP is submitted to the authority. Also, we will require your previous Trademark Registration certificate to complete the basic formalities.
Keep you updated
Our team will proficiently complete the application process and keep you updated regarding your application status. It is to be noted that the renewal application goes through precise inspection and it takes around 4-5 months to attain approval.